
Monday 18 March 2013

Going cross-country with Skype!

Here are some impressions from our very first paired skype session with a 5. Klasse from the Hofenfels Gymnasium in Zweibrücken, Germany and one of our Year 7 classes. Students worked in pairs asking and answering questions in German, then in English ranging from introductions to favourite colour, music and school subject. Students then repeated this carousel-style with different German peers. We are very excited about continuing to work together and using Skype to learn languages cross-country! We used the time-difference to our advantage, so while we were in school, our German partners skyped from home which allowed us to connect many more learners than if they'd also been at school. You can get a flavour of the noise-level of 10 simultaneous conversations in German and English below - definitely one computer and headset per student next time!