
Tile Hill Wood School

As a Language College we have a special commitment to fostering a strong international ethos and teaching a wide range of languages. All students have experience of more than one language and many choose to study more than one language at KS4.

Tile Hill Wood School has been a language college since 1998. In December 2005 we were selected as a High Performing Specialist School and took up a second specialism in applied learning. The department has a computer suite and the current Language Laboratory which has recently been upgraded.

Making contacts with other countries is very important to us and we have links with several: we have partner schools in France, Germany, Spain and Japan and there are several opportunities for students to visit. We also have links with a wide range of countries across the globe and staff have been able to expand their horizons by visiting a wide range of schools in different parts of the world.

We also offer a very successful immersion programme throughout Year 7; Geography, Science, PSHE, Music or Maths are taught through the medium of French. In 2006 we were awarded the European Award for Languages and the Mary Glasgow Award for our immersion teaching.

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