
Friday 14 December 2012

KS5 student surveys

Please click on the relevant link and fill in the survey to help us further develop the Language Courses at the West Coventry Sixth Form. Your teacher will give you your password:

AS Spanish

A2 Spanish

AS Japanese

A2 Japanese

AS French

A2 French

AS German

A2 German

Monday 3 December 2012


We love Japanese Song Competition 2013 - hosted by the Japan's National Broadcaster NHK:

Click here to watch, listen, marvel and VOTE!


Thursday 29 November 2012

Coventry Subject Network Meeting - G&T

Here is all the material presented and shared at the last Coventry Heads of Languages meeting:

Agenda including G&T policy and OFSTED resources

Learning Logs/Progress booklets (12 pages, Microsoft Publisher files) with:
  • tracking sheets
  • target and
  • review pages and 
  • key vocab/grammar
 Year 7 French
Year 8 French
Year 9 French
GCSE French

Year 7 Spanish
Year 8 Spanish
Year 9 Spanish
GCSE Spanish

Year 7 German
Year 8 German
Year 9 German
GCSE German

Marking feedback proforma / Caludon Castle
Presentations: Subject Network Nov 2012_2

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Friday 16 November 2012

New Alevel Spanish newspaper!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Les Actus - our new French Alevel newspaper!

Monday 12 November 2012

Using Skype across Coventry!

Here is a snapshot of today's Skype session between Y12 students from Tile Hill and Y13 students from Cardinal Wiseman. We talked about the role of the media in contributing to violence and crime in society and how to deal with young people who run amok examining the first German high-school shooting in Erfurt in 2002.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Our new A level German newspaper!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Monday 1 October 2012

Increasing Sophistication and Challenge in MFL - Links

1. Give a BRIEF outline of the lesson you planned earlier (Year group, language, topic - teaching activities) on  Linoit 

2. Create your own speaking Avatar: Voki

3.  Leave a comment on this post in your preferred target language on: "What is the purpose of education?"

Challenge in MFL

Tuesday 25 September 2012

A Language A Day - challenge

Here are this week's language challenges - Try and use it as much as possible every day, e.g. answering the register or when greeting your friends.

1 Monday - 

2 Tuesday - 

3 Wednesday - 

4 Thursday - 

5 Friday - 

Friday 21 September 2012

Open Evening 2012

Here is a snapshot of last night's open evening: Our Café shortly before opening, Flamenco demonstration and Origami lesson: Unfortunately we didn't manage to take pictures of our Language Lab ICT Showcase or our Languages Exhibition. Thank you to everybody, particularly our language ambassadors!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Saturday 15 September 2012

What a year 2011/12 has been!

An updated and extended version of our KS3 video for this week's whole school open evening - now including KS4 and KS5 highlights (and with extended soundtrack in French and Italian). Enjoy!

Friday 20 July 2012

Olympics here we come!

Here are the highlights of all our Olympic work in French, Spanish, German and Japanese as displayed in our Olympic Gallery - Enjoy!

Monday 25 June 2012

Friday 22 June 2012

Ready, Steady - Go Cameroon, Argentina and Switzerland!

We're ready for our final Olympic weeks at Tile Hill Wood's Languages Department. Our corridors are now decorated and a big thank you to all staff and students for their creative ideas!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Skype session with Cruz Roja

Our AS Spanish students were skyping today with a volunteer from the Spanish Red Cross about her work. It was a real challenge but also very exciting! More clips to follow...

Wednesday 13 June 2012

That's our poster!

The poster you see being held up is the one our Year 9 and 10 girls made in class with Kyoko our Foreign Language Assistant! We're absolutely thrilled that if now features in the official video of the Japan Society, a leading U.S. organization committed to deepening mutual understanding between the United States and Japan in a global context. Their Japan Earthquake relief fund is funding the Fukushima Kids Project where we sent our poster to. The Fukushima Kids Project enables children who live near the nuclear reactor to go on holidays away from home.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Au revoir - Auf Wiedersehen - Adiós - ごきげんよう

Today we said goodbye to the fab four FLAs of Tile Hill Wood's Language Department - all the best and thank you so so much for all your hard work, creativity and energy! Below is our final Languages Club session this year:

Thursday 24 May 2012

Fashion and food from around the world at our Languages Club

Here are some impressions from our last two language clubs - fashion around the world and Japanese food.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Thursday 26 April 2012

Our poster has arrived at the Fukushima Kids Project!

Mr Shinshi, the head of Fukushima Kids Project holding up a poster with messages of support from our students. He emailed to say that they have received power and support from the poster we sent. He also said that they felt a fantastic connection between us and them. Below is the same poster with our Year 9 girls and Kyoko!

Click here to learn more about the Fukushima Kids Project:

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Friday 30 March 2012

ALL Language World 2012


British Academy Schools Language Award 2012

Global Learning @ Tile Hill Wood School and Language College from Languages@THW on Vimeo.

Video in support of our application for the British Academy Schools Language Award 2012.

Friday 16 March 2012

French Alevel Conference at Warwick University

Our French AS and A2 students were invited to a conference organised by the department of French studies and by the British Academy.
They studied some excerpts from modern Francophone literature from sub-Saharan Africa, then  listened to some popular music from modern-day Congo. The day finished with a screening of the documentary Benda Bilili.

It was a fantastic experience for all!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Thursday 8 March 2012

A whole new (multilingual) world...

... world premiere @ Tile Hill Wood's Languages Club:

Wednesday 7 March 2012

¡Buen apetito!

 A flavour of Year 8's Spanish omelette cooking session.

Message for Izumi High school

We will see you in two weeks. Looking forward to seeing you all!

Monday 5 March 2012

Supporting Japan

Y9 students (Mr Thomson's and Ms Uhara's class) wrote some messages of support for children in Fukushima.

Last summer Kyoko, our Japanese Language Assistant joined the volunteers in Hokkaido, her home region.
Children who live in Fukushima - where the Tsunami damaged a nuclear power station - couldn't to go out and play, even during their summer holidays. So Hokkaido in the north of Japan offered them to come and spend a few weeks or a month there.

Radiation is still very strong around Fukushima, and the people and children who live there need both energy and support.
Here is also a website where you can find out how to help the children of Fukushima.

Spanish food tasting

Mr Verdu's Year 8 class sampled some typical Spanish foods recently - here are some impressions:

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Alevel conference 2012 with Warwick University

Our annual Alevel conference took place today, organised by Claire Fazilleau from Tile Hill Wood and the Languages PGCE students from Warwick University. The day consisted of a series of AS and A2 workshops on the theme of New Technologies, a skype session with David Smith from the Directorate General for Interpretation at the European Commission in Brussels and a wide range of exciting taster sessions of exotic languages including ranging from Russian to British Sign Language (see below for both videos).

More pictures to follow soon! Here are also some video impressions of the day: