
Friday 30 March 2012

ALL Language World 2012


British Academy Schools Language Award 2012

Global Learning @ Tile Hill Wood School and Language College from Languages@THW on Vimeo.

Video in support of our application for the British Academy Schools Language Award 2012.

Friday 16 March 2012

French Alevel Conference at Warwick University

Our French AS and A2 students were invited to a conference organised by the department of French studies and by the British Academy.
They studied some excerpts from modern Francophone literature from sub-Saharan Africa, then  listened to some popular music from modern-day Congo. The day finished with a screening of the documentary Benda Bilili.

It was a fantastic experience for all!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Thursday 8 March 2012

A whole new (multilingual) world...

... world premiere @ Tile Hill Wood's Languages Club:

Wednesday 7 March 2012

¡Buen apetito!

 A flavour of Year 8's Spanish omelette cooking session.

Message for Izumi High school

We will see you in two weeks. Looking forward to seeing you all!

Monday 5 March 2012

Supporting Japan

Y9 students (Mr Thomson's and Ms Uhara's class) wrote some messages of support for children in Fukushima.

Last summer Kyoko, our Japanese Language Assistant joined the volunteers in Hokkaido, her home region.
Children who live in Fukushima - where the Tsunami damaged a nuclear power station - couldn't to go out and play, even during their summer holidays. So Hokkaido in the north of Japan offered them to come and spend a few weeks or a month there.

Radiation is still very strong around Fukushima, and the people and children who live there need both energy and support.
Here is also a website where you can find out how to help the children of Fukushima.

Spanish food tasting

Mr Verdu's Year 8 class sampled some typical Spanish foods recently - here are some impressions: