
Sunday 24 July 2011

Schöne Ferien - Bonnes Vacances - Felices Fiestas - Buone Vacanze - 幸せな休日

Final lesson of the year in Year 7 German - we made our very own miniature "Schultüten"

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Online Safety

As part of an alternative curriculum day, all year 8s had one session of learning how to use google translator effectively and how to give advice on internet safety. They posted their top tips on a lino-it canvas:

Vienna Calling... (Skype)

Here is an impression of our first Skype session at Tile Hill Wood School. We established a link with Frau Langer from the Viennese Health Service to discuss how young people's body image is influenced by the media and the potentially damaging impact of this. We had sent a list of questions to Frau Langer in advance and took turns asking her during our 30 minute session.

Friday 1 July 2011

Languages've got the X-factor!

Over 70 students from Years 4, 5 and 6 from Mount Nod, Parkhill, Wyken Croft and Leigh Primary schools joined our Year 10 Fast track French girls in workshops on French music which culminated in an X-factor session where students voted for their favourite French music video.